Sunday, February 28, 2010


So this season at Luna Bleu we're going to try to keep a regularly (as much as possible) updated blog. We hope that this blog will serve several purposes. First, that it will help give our CSA members a better sense of what is going on at the farm. We also are hoping to give CSA members an idea of what their share will include each week before they pick it up so that they have a chance to plan, although this will not always be exact, especially for those who pick up Mondays at the farm (sometimes we won't know what's in the share until we go out and harvest Monday morning). We'll also be looking to provide some recipes for the vegetables in each week's share to help those who might wonder what to do with kohlrabi or simply are looking for another idea of how to utilize all those carrots that the winter shares have included. This is one of the reason's we're choosing a blog format for this, rather than a simple e-mail newsletter; a blog enables people to post comments so we are hoping that it can become a place where people can exchange recipes and other ideas for using the bounty of produce we hope to bring you this season!

So we'll see how this goes. Hopefully we'll be able to keep it updated regularly and that it will give you a better sense of what is going on at the farm and some new ideas for preparing the vegetables you'll be receiving each week.

Let us know (in person, by leaving a comment, by e-mail) if you have any comments, suggestions, ideas, etc.

Have a good one,
