Monday, August 22, 2011


The last Sunday of the month and we want to do it again.

We are having another Pizza Oven and open house Sunday August 28.
Let us know if you would like to bring kids and their ages and we will have some fun kids activities if we have a critical mass... or maybe we will just plan some other optional fun activities that all can participate in.

Anyway, here is the scoop

3pm- 4:30 or 5----- Farm tours and activities (one of which may be chopping veggies for the pizzas!
4:30 or 5 Pizzas start coming out of the oven.
We may also have an open traditional/folky jam from pizza time on if any of you would like to join in with instruments, voices, clapping or just listening.....

Feel free to bring a little snack or something to share or even some cheese or topping for the pizza but don't feel obligated.
You are also welcomed to bring beer or wine. We will have water and apple juice.

If you can RSVP that helps us plan for bread dough and activities..
email us or call 802-763-7981

Hope to see you at the farm!
If you need directions, go to our June post. The detour is still in effect. You can always call or email for directions too.

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