Friday, August 26, 2011

Hot Peppers 1

To help our CSA members identify the hot peppers they got in the shares this week here are these photos. In general, the larger varieties of hot pepper are the mildest. Thus, Anaheim and Pablano are fairly mild peppers. Hungarian Hot Wax and Jalapeno are in the middle range and Serranos and the Long Cayennes are hotter. I actually think the Nippon Taka chili's may not actually be very hot even though other chilis that look like that are typically pretty hot. I am a bit of a whimp myself when it comes to hot peppers so I haven't just tried one....

Here are two hot pepper recipes. You might like to make the hot pepper sauce if you don't know what to do with a quantity of hot peppers all at once. This sauce keeps well in the refrigerator and you can spread your hits of hot pepper over a very long period of time. This sauce also makes a good gift if you know someone else who would take more pleasure in the hot peppers then you would.


Hot Pepper Sauce from Epicurian

Habanero peppers
Jalapeno peppers
Cayenne peppers
Hot chili peppers

really any type of hot pepper you want
Approximately 2 cups, total (of the peppers)

1 head unpeeled garlic
1 cup red wine vinegar
1 T. sugar


The exact proportions of the various types of peppers above can be varied depending on your personal tastes and what you have available. For a milder sauce, milder varieties such as Hot Wax, Banana, Pimento, or Bell peppers can be substituted for a portion of the hot varieties listed above.

Using rubber gloves, clean and de-seed approximately 2 cups of peppers. In a saucepan, combine the peppers, garlic, and vinegar and cook, covered, over low heat for approximately one hour. Keep an eye on the liquid and reduce heat and add more vinegar if it seems to be boiling away quickly. Press through a sieve or a food mill, add the sugar, and return to low heat for approximately 30 minutes or until slightly thickened. Pour into a jar or bottle which can be sealed and refrigerate. Will keep in refrigerator for several months.

Great on pork or chicken!



4 qts long red, green, or yellow peppers
1 1/2 cups salt
4 qts water
1/4 cup sugar
2 tbls prepared horseradish
2 cloves garlic
10 cups vinegar
2 cups water


Wear rubber gloves to prevent burning hands. Cut 2 small slits in each pepper. Dissolve salt in 4 qts water. Pour over peppers and let stand 12-18 hours in a cool place. Drain; rinse and drain thoroughly. Combine remaining ingredients; simmer 15 minutes. Remove garlic. Pack peppers in hot jars, leaving 1/4 inch head space. Heat brine to boiling. Pour hot over peppers, leaving 1/4 inch head space. Remove air bubbles. Adjust caps. Process 1/2 pints and pints 10 minutes in boiling water bath.

Yield: about 8 pints.

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